Monday, February 28, 2011

Apparently Everyone Has A Blog…

Originally Posted November 18, 2009 @
So I’m slightly depressed. Apparently facebook isn’t enough these days. Now I have to read my friend’s blogs to know what’s going on with them.  I mean it is partially my fault. I hate using the phone, and I would rather spend most days at home due to my being in college with 16 units causing me so much stress and activity that I rarely have the energy for more than television viewage and video game playage.  Speaking of which I should totally be working on a large project right now, but hey I should start a blog! I have stuff to say too…

However, I feel out of touch regardless of reading blogs and keeping up with everyone’s mytwitbookblog. The saddest part is that it all seems to be the same message. We all are trying to find our niche in this world, be it school, work, marriage, parenthood or religion. Just be kind of nice if we could all get together in a single room filled with smoke, drinking beer or coffee or something and just hash it all out. Who the fuck has time for that anyway?

I too am trying to figure out what exactly it means to be a man in this day in age. I often wonder if there is some greater purpose for me. Should I be working on this Psychology degree, or should I be writing the next great American novel? Should I be an activist for _____, God knows there are plenty of things nowadays to fight for.

Is Capitalism killing my country? Or was my country never truly the thing that I was raised to believe it was?
Most days I just want to hang out with my wife. We’ve been together for 13 years, since High School. She’s seen me through bouts of depression, joblessness, crisis of artistic block, and addiction. Through all of that she remains, and despite what sitcoms taught me as a child, the sex and relationship have done nothing but get better.

So I guess despite my feeling out of touch, since i live in this bubble named “college”, life for me is relatively good. That doesn’t mean I don’t get lost sometimes, I do.
So I guess now I have a blog too…so people can keep “touch” with me.

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